Thursday, 26 September 2013

Tuesday September 24, 2013

I learnt that children (and everyone else...) need 4 skills to do Rational counting.
  • classifying
  • rote-counting
  • 1 to 1 correspondence
  • Cardinal number - to appreciate that the last number represent  the size of object.
I enjoyed doing Problem 6 very much...

We had to count down the number of seeds given till we get to 0.  I found out that when we have 5 seeds left, we can somehow determine who the winner is. Natasha, Aida and i took turns to challenge one another :) As we were minusing the seeds, i was already calculating how many i should take away in order to win the game...

For problem 7, we had to draw 3 sets of "10 frames".. The question was to find out how many different ways are there to figure out the number of beans Jack received in all...

Method 1
counting the beans 1 by 1...

Method 2
count the beans in 6s...

Method 3
make the beans to 10

Method 4
to count the beans in 5s...

We did the number bond a.k.a "make 10" method like the one below...

I had fun doing the activities during class and i believe thru play and interaction, children will learn better and enjoy Math.
